What is SEO and how does it work?

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, and there is nothing really mystical about it. You might have heard a lot about SEO and how it works, but basically what it is is a measurable, repeatable process that is used to send signals to search engines that your pages are worth showing in Google's index.
The world of SEO is full of so many different search engines, firms, opinions, and more. Google recommends one thing, Bing another, and then companies and message boards tell you not to believe it, and really the only way to rank is by doing this or that. SERPS, organic ranks, search marketing, algorithm updates, penalties, backlinks, colored hats and more… it can get overwhelming to try to figure out how search engine optimization works, and where to even begin. Here at Creative California, we work hard to make what we do clear and easy to understand, so here’s our quick breakdown of how it all works.


In the early days, the creators of search engines sought a way to index the pages of the internet, and to provide quality sites in response to a query. The thought was that the more times a site was linked to (called backlinks), the more reputable the site was, and thus the higher in the rankings it should be. Algorithms were developed to automate this process, and thus websites like Google were born.
The problem was, with how this was originally built, people caught on to the way it worked and began manipulating the algorithms to get the results they wanted. Many companies would build “link network” sites, whose sole purpose was to link other sites together, thus artificially raising the ranking of their member sites. Oftentimes, when you hired an SEO firm, you would be asked to create a links page on your site that listed other sites as “partners.”
Google, primarily, has actively fought against these tricks (employed by what many call “black hat” companies), and have put an emphasis on quality content and public reputation. It has created many different new algorithms to help weed out these black hat tactics: Penguin to combat link building strategies, Panda to combat content that is geared strictly towards keyword ranking, the newer Pigeon for local results, and others. Bing and other search engines have slightly different approaches, but the foundations are often the same.

Check  Top 30 Important SEO Terms


Anonymous said…
Loved it! Amazing work!

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